Title: The Quarterback
Author: Julia Keanini
Publisher: Pickled Plum Publishing
Genre: Romance
Pages: 288
My Rating:  ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤

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The Quarterback

Ella was in love with Drake when she was a teenager. She thought they could be more than just friends until her sister told her that Drake loved her at a dance. The ran away and married one of Drake’s best friends Mike and got a daughter. But to be honest, she never got over Drake and now he is going to get married to her sister Karla. 
Drake is getting married to Karla, but his heart belongs to someone else, Karla’s sister Ella. He never understood why she ran away from him. Now he is just being focused on his football career and his relationship with Karla. He does not want to think about Ella, but then they see each other again after so many years and those feelings are still there.


This is the first book of the Fairy Tale Second Chances book series written by Julia Keanini. The book series name pretty much sums up the whole book. It is kind of Cinderella-ish. You have Ella, which comes from Cinderella. Drake’s last name is Charming and then there is this ball, dress, glass slippers, and evil stepsister. There were a few similarities with the fairy tale we know, but it is also very different. This book is about Ella who has a daughter and Drake is a football player.

The reason why I gave it 3 out of 5 stars is because of several reasons. Drake is with Karla, but he is actually in love with someone else he can’t get. I got the vibe he never really loved Karla, she was just there and he was available. That is the reason why I did not like Drake that much. He was kind of wasting someone’s time, who thought they would be together for the rest of their lives. Although, Karla kind of deserved it. She was the mean girl. She was terrible.

I also wanted to scream because he was in love with Ella and Ella was in love with Drake and they never really talked about what happened at the ball many years ago. Communication is key. It was kind of annoying. Even at the end they never really talked about it. For me, it took too long before they got together. Maybe I was too impatient.

As I mentioned, this is the first book of a book series. After reading this book, I am not sure if I want to read the rest. It did not convince me. Most of the time, when I don’t like the first book in a series I just give up. Mainly because I have so many other books that I want to read. However, I am kind of interested in Snow’s story. Snow is the best friend of Ella en from the beginning, I wanted to know her story. That one actually sounded cute. A man paid for everything so her sons could go on a trip to Europe. I wanted to know more about that story.

This was not my favorite book. I did not like the main characters that much. I had nothing in common. Maybe if you like football and are a single parent, you will like this. But it was not for me. I am also too impatient for stories like this. I want more chemistry and one-on-one moments between the two main characters. But I still gave it 3 out of 5 hearts because I felt like giving it two hearts was too harsh. There were some good moments and I love Cinderella stories.

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