Title: Hate Mail
Author: Donna Marchetti
Publisher: One More Chapter
Genre: Romance
Pages: 355
My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Hate Mail
Naomi and Luca have been writing each other letters since the fifth grade. They started writing to each other because it was a school project. Naomi wrote a nice letter to Luca, but Luca answered her letter with a very mean letter. Since then, they have been writing very rude letters to each other. It is kind of their thing. Now Naomi is 25 and she works as a weather girl at a local TV station and the last time she received a letter from Luca was two years ago. He was about getting married, but they both moved a lot and now they don’t have each other’s address anymore. One day at work Naomi receives a letter from him again and they start writing again. Is he closer than she thinks he is? And maybe she should tell Jake that she has a pen pal. Jake lives in her building and they started to hang out.
I am obsessed! This was an amazing book. I didn’t like the last book I read, so I was feeling a little bit down and disappointed. I was just hoping my next read would be a little bit better. But this book surprised me in a good way. If you have been following me here on my blog, you would probably know that I buy books often because of their covers. I love cute covers. This book has a pretty cover. That is why I wanted to read the book.
But the book itself was so great. I couldn’t stop reading. I don’t have a lot of time to read every night, but I finished this book in two days, maybe even less. I couldn’t put this book down. While reading Going for Two, I was in a reading slump but this book got me out of it. I got excited to read it again. I couldn’t wait to get home and read a book.
Most romance books are predictable. I mean, it is obvious the two main characters end up with each other. Most of the time it has a happy ending. That is why I read romance books. I just how these books make me feel happy. I don’t care if they are predictable. The Hate Mail was also extremely predictable. It was obvious where the story of Luca/Naomi and Jake/Naomi was heading to. It was obvious who Joel was. But I just didn’t care. It was so much fun to read it.
This book made me feel so many things including the sad heartbreak. But that shows that I cared about the characters and this book. This book made me feel so many emotions, which is a very good thing. One moment, I was embarrassed because of what happened during the sex, other moments I was giggling because it was cute, I felt sad when there was a breakup
.I don’t want to spoil too many things, because I definitely think you should read this book for yourself if you like romance. There isn’t a lot of spice in it. Just enough. It was fun to read the letters they were sending to each other as kids and what happened in their lives. So there is a lot of background story, it shows the relationship of Luca and Naomi back then and now. It definitely changed a little bit. They grew up and their letters got more flirty sometimes.
This is one of those books you want to read in one sitting. The writing style is super easy to read. The cover is cute. The plot is super fun. It made me feel so many emotions. The characters were likable. Honestly, I can’t find one single reason why I didn’t like this book. That is why I gave it five hearts/stars. I think this might be one of my favorite books so far this year, besides Hello Stranger by Katherine Center.
I think you should just read this if you like romance.