Title: Cinnamon Bun Bookstore
Author: Laurie Gilmore
Publisher: One More Chapter
Pages: 385
Genre: Romance
My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️🖤🖤
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Cinnamon Bun Bookstore
Hazel works in the Cinnamon Bun Bookstore in Dream Harbor and one day when she is working she finds a secret message hidden in a book. This message makes Hazel think that she has always been good and had never done anything wild or crazy. But now she is turning thirty very soon and she is ready to be a little crazy and fun this summer. She immediately wants to follow the trail of clues, because she sees this as a sign. At the same time, she finds this message, Noah is also at the bookstore. And now he wants to help her with the clues.
The first book in the Dream Harbor book series was the Pumpkin Spice Café and that book gave me the cozy fall vibes and even a little bit of Gilmore Girls vibes. I wouldn’t say I got the same vibes from this book though. The cover of this book is definitely giving fall and it is so pretty, I have to admit that. However, it is still summer in this book because Hazel wants to have a fun summer before she turns thirty. So the cover was very misleading.
I have something in common with Hazel, we both love books and fall. I think we are also very similar in the sense that we like our own comfy comfort zone. Hazel wants to do fun things that are definitely out of her comfort zone. And I think that is great. I’ve been doing that lately as well and I think it is a good thing to try new things. She was also struggling with turning thirty and I remember I was feeling the same thing before I turned thirty. Why do we put so much pressure on turning thirty?
Noah left home years ago and he was feeling like a failure. Now he has his own boat and he organizes tours for mostly tourists and has new ideas for his business. But he doesn’t stop feeling like a failure, because he dropped out of school and he did not want to work for their family business. It was just not for him.
I was a little bit disappointed when I found out that this was set during the summer. I was expecting cozy vibes from this book. However, the bookstore was giving me cozy vibes. But I still prefer the first book in the series. It was still cute and good, but it did not leave a lasting impression. I would be surprised if I remembered this book at the end of the year. However, the covers of this book series are so pretty. And I still want to read the next book in this book series. And if the cover of that book is not misleading, it will take place during winter. So I will probably put that on my list of the books I want to read during my vacation in December
This book was very easy to read. It is a very light read as well. The main characters weren’t dealing with deep issues whatsoever. I also liked that in this book the woman was 5 years older than the male main character. That doesn’t happen very often. Most of the time the guy is older. So that kind of refreshing. But please, don’t expect the same cozy fall vibes as you probably get from the first book. I would also recommend reading these books in order. The characters from book one will also appear in this book because Dream Harbor is a small town. And I always think it is smarter to read books in order. But if you really want, I think you could still read this as a stand-alone.