Title: The Love Interest
Author: Victoria Walters
Publisher: Boldwood Books
Genre: Romance
Pages: 330
My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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The Love Interest

Liv (Olivia) Jones has always dreamed of writing a romance novel, but she has problems creating the perfect romantic hero. So instead, she lives with her brother (an influencer) and works in the library at the university. One day, she is suddenly standing face to face with Aiden Rivers, who is there for a job interview. Liv can’t stand him and she is happy that she only saw him twice a year. But if he gets the job, she will see him every day. But it gets even worse when her brother asks his best friend Aiden to live with them, Liv now has to see him every single day. The only good thing is that Liv finally finds inspiration for her romance novel, but while she is writing it, she starts to realize something.


I am a big fan of the Enemies to Lovers trope, and I am not sure why I love it so much. I just do. This is another wonderful Enemies to Lovers book and I absolutely loved it. Most of the time I take notes while I am reading a book, so I can write a better book review, but this time I sort of forgot to take notes. I just wanted to read.

In my last book review (Puffin Bay – Annie Dyers) I wrote that sometimes you won’t like a certain book when you have nothing in common with the characters. But this time I had so much in common with both of the main characters, so I loved them both. She loves to read, is a fan of Mr. Darcy (who isn’t?), and wants to write a romance novel. I have the same dreams. He loves movies and his favorite movie is You’ve Got Mail. I love movies and You’ve got mail is definitely a great movie. And honestly, he sounded like the perfect man. And the banter between the two characters was just perfect.

The setting was just great. I love London and a huge part of this book also takes place in the library at the university. I am from The Netherlands, but I’ve seen photos from universities in the United Kingdom and they all look so beautiful. We have one university building like that here in the city, but imagine studying of working there. It looks so romantic and dreamy.

This was one of those books that you couldn’t stop reading. Unfortunately, I had to stop twice because I had to sleep too. But if it is was optional, I would have finished it in one afternoon. I would probably forget to eat or drink something, but that would have been worth it. I do wonder though, if we will find out if Stevie is going to get her love story. Stevie’s name is mentioned often in this book and she is Liv’s best friend and they work together. Stevie also wanted to find the perfect guy for herself but at the end of the book, she was single. I wonder if we get a sequel about Stevie. I kind of hope so.

I just simply enjoy reading books like this one and I hope I will read more books like this one this year. This book is perfect for those who love the Enemies to Lovers trope and want to read something cute. There is a little bit of smut in it, but not too much. Just the perfect amount of smut. And honestly, I can highly recommend this book.

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Fri Feb 23 , 2024
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