Last year, I saw some bloggers making lists for 2020 with 21 things before 2021 and I thought that was a cool idea. So I made a list of 22 things before 2022. Of course, these 22 goals or things I want to do are not big goals because that would be too much. So some of them are tiny goals and some are bigger.

22 Things I want to do before 2022

1.Treat me on a Christmas gift. In one of my videos of 2020, I was talking about how I wanted to buy something nice for myself for Christmas. And suddenly the stores had to close and I couldn’t buy new clothes anymore. I know I can order things online, but I really prefer buying things in the store. So this year, I want to treat myself.
2. Move to a different city. This is one of my goals for 2021 because I want to move to the other side of the country. I want to live closer to Amsterdam.
3. Watch Hamilton. I’ve heard so many people talking about this musical movie and I still want to watch it. I don’t have Disney+, so I have to find someone who has Disney or maybe I have to buy a one-month subscription. We’ll see.
4. Read 100 books. Another goal for 2021. Last year, I also wanted to read 100 books but never made it that far. I think I read 30 or so. But this year I really want to achieve this goal. I love to read books.
5. Make videos for Instagram Stories. I got over my fear of talking to the camera for a YouTube video. But making videos for Instagram stories is next level.
6. Get a vaccine for coronavirus. I want to go back to normal again!!!
7. Go to the beach. It has been a few years since the last trip to the beach and I really miss it.
8. Fulltime income by doing the things I love. I love to create content on YouTube, Instagram, Blog, and TikTok. And I want to continue creating more content and make more money with it.
9. Go out for a long hike on a beautiful sunny day. I love to take long walks and nature is so beautiful in summer, especially on sunny days. I can’t wait to bring my camera and take beautiful shots of nature and myself.
10. Buy new clothes. I was already done with my clothes. I want to start wearing more clothes that make me feel sexy, confident, powerful, and awesome. Unfortunately, I have to wait a little bit longer until the stores are open again.
11. Try 5 new recipes. I love to try new things, but in 2020 I did the exact same things over and over again. So I am ready to try new things. I prefer to try healthy (and veggie/vegan) recipes.
12. Spending more offline. Not really have a specific goal, but I want to start living and spending less time online.
13. Do something fun on my birthday. Last year, I couldn’t have my birthday because of the coronavirus. So I am going big for this year’s birthday. I just want to have a fun day
14. Make new friends. Because when I am moving to the other side of the country, I don’t want to be alone.
15. Write 300 blog posts in 2021
16. Picnic at the park to celebrate we are going back to normal or just to celebrate life.
17. Make time for Yoga every single week. I want to be more flexible and I think that Yoga can help me with that.
18. Stop working on Sundays and create more me-time
19. Read 5 self-help/self-improvement books. Self-improvement is always good.
20. Learn how to be happy for others. I really try, but sometimes I can be jealous.
21. Learn how to be more present. 99% of the time I am somewhere else with my thoughts.
22. Start living. At the beginning of 2020, I was ready to start living again. I had no panic attacks anymore and I was feeling better now. But the coronavirus changed my plans. So I am going to do a lot of fun things this year.

Photo by Rob Keating on Unsplash

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23 Things I want to do before 2023

Sat Jan 1 , 2022
23 things I want to do before 2-23